The Department of Entomology's faculty provide various research opportuites for undergraduate students with an Entomology major/minor as well as students from other departments.
Luke HearonMajor: Entomology Research Advisor: Reed Johnson Future Plans: Masters Degree in Entomology Research:
Favorite Entomology Course:
Rachel McLaughlinMajor: Entomology, Honors Research Advisors: Drs. Mary Gardiner and Frances Sivakoff Future Plans: PhD program at Penn State studying black cherry pollinators Research: Effects of cadmium contamination in soil on pollination services and pollinator behavior
Awards & Honors:
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Emily WalkerMajor: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at The College of Wooster Research Advisor: Reed Johnson Future Plans: PhD in Biochemistry Research: Effects of pesticide combinations on honey bee mortality
Awards & Honors:
Sreelakshmi SureshMajor: B.S. in Evolution and Ecology, Minored in French Research Advisor: Reed Johnson Future Plans: Masters Degree in Environmental Science Research:
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