Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Bold indicates current dept member or student. *indicates recently graduated PhD/MS student, post-doc, visiting scholar, or undergraduate, advised by CFAES Entomology faculty.
- Arnold, M.B., Back, M., Crowell, M.D. Farooq, N., Ghimire, P., Obarein, O.A., Smart, K.E., Taucher, T., VanderJeugdt, E., Perry, K.I., Landis, D.A., Bahlai C.A. Coexistence between similar invaders: The case of two cosmopolitan exotic species. Ecology, 104(4): e3979. 2023.
- Martinez Villegas, L.E.; Radl, J.; Dimopoulos, G.; Short, S.M. Bacterial communities of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes differ between crop and midgut tissues. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. In press.
- Pekarcik, A.J.*, Lorentz, M.O*, Clem, C.S, Raudenbush, A.L., Held, D.W., Tilmon, K.J. Preliminary Feeding Assessments for Asiatic Garden Beetle, Maladera formosae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), Grubs and Adults. The Great Lakes Entomologist, 55 (2). 2022.
- Meuti, M.E., Siperstein, A., Wolkoff, M. Points to consider when establishing and rearing Culex mosquitoes in the laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2023.
- Meuti, M.E., Siperstein, A., Wolkoff, M. Rearing and maintaining a Culex colony in the laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2023.
- Meuti, M.E., Siperstein, A., Wolkoff, M. Establishing a Culex Colony from Field-Collected Eggs. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2023.
- Tomich, T.P., Hoy, C., Dimock, M.R., Hollander, A.D., Huber, P.R., Hyder, A., Lange, M.C., Riggle, C.M., Roberts, M.T., Quinn, J.F. Why Do We Need Food Systems Informatics? Introduction to This Special Collection on Smart and Connected Regional Food Systems. Sustainability, 15, 2023.
- Wolkoff, M., Fyie, L., Meuti, M. Light pollution disrupts seasonal differences in the daily activity and metabolic profiles of the Northern House mosquito, Culex pipiens. Insects, 14 (1), 64.
Extension Products
- 3D Printed Asian and European Jumping Worm Key Tag, Basnagala, Perry, 2023.
- 3D Printed Spotted Lanternfly Life Cycle, Basnagala, Leach, 2023.
- 3D Printed Aphid Aspirator, Haller, Lewis, Michel, 2023.
- 3D Printed Soybean Frog Eye Leaf Spot Model, Lang, Basnagala, Michel, 2023.
- 3D Printed Spotted Lanternfly Egg Mass Keychain and Extension Scavenger Hunt, Lang, Basnagala, Leach, Michel, 2023.
- 3D Printed Soybean Leaf Defoliation Keychain Guide and Extension Defoliation Activity, Lang, Basnagala, Tilmon, Raudenbush, Michel, 2023.
- 3D Printed Cereal Leaf Beetle Larva, Basnagala, Michel, Raudenbush, 2022.
- 3D Printed European Corn Borer Pupae Hibernation Cage, Basnagala, Michel, 2022.
- 3D Printed European Corn Borer Pupae Hibernation Chambers, Basnagala, Michel, 2022.
- 3D Printed Larval Sizing Key Tag, Basnagala, Michel, Raudenbush, 2022.
- 3D Printed Soybean Gall Midge Key Tag, Basnagala, Michel, Raudenbush, 2022.
- 3D Printed Stink Bug Trapping Cage, Basnagala, 2022.
- 3D Printed Aphid Rearing Cages, Lewis, Haller, 2022.
- 3D Printed European Corn Borer Egg Masses, Michel, Basnagala, 2022.
Courses Taught by CFAES Entomology Faculty
Carol Anelli
ENTMLGY 3797.01E Evolution in Darwin's World and Ours: Context, 2 units (7 students), co-taught with Jamie Strange
Associated course ENTMLGY 3797.02 will travel to England in May 2023
ENTMLGY 6193 Individual Studies, Graduate, 1–6 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 7910 Nature and Practice of Science, 2 units (10 students)
Luis Cañas
ENTMLGY 5500 Biological Control of Arthropod Pests, 3 units (22 students)
ENTMLGY 5600 Principles and Applications of Integrated Pest Management, 3 units (29 students)
ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 8998 Research in Entomology, PhD Pre-Candidacy, 1–16 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 8999 Research in Entomology, PhD Post-Candidacy, 1–16 units (1 student)
Mary Gardiner
ENTMLGY 4998 Research in Entomology, Undergraduate, 1–3 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 7920 Presentation Skills, 2 units (11 students), co-taught with Kelley Tilmon
ENTMLGY 8998 Research in Entomology, PhD Pre-Candidacy, 1–16 units (3 students)
ENTMLGY 8999 Research in Entomology, PhD Post-Candidacy, 1–16 units (1 student)
Norman Johnson
ENTMLGY 6210 Evolution and Diversity of Insects, lecture and lab, 4 units, (11 students)
ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 8999 Research in Entomology, PhD Post-Candidacy, 1–16 units (1 student)
Reed Johnson
ENTMLGY 2200 Beekeeping, lecture and lab, 3 units (46 students)
ENTMLGY 5800 Pesticide Science, 3 units (8 students)
ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (1 student)
Ellen Klinger
ENTMLGY 1101 Insect Biology, lecture and lab, 4 units (37 students)
ENTMLGY 2101 Insects and Human Affairs: Pests, Plagues, Poisons and Politics, lecture, 3 units (62 students)
ENTMLGY 2102 Insects and Human Affairs: Pests, Plagues, Poisons and Politics, lab, 1 unit (16 students)
ENTMLGY 5121 Insect Pathology, 3 units (6 students), co-taught with Sarah Short
Ashley Leach
ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (1 student)
Bruce McPheron
ENTMLGY 2400H Evaluating Evidence in Biology and Medicine, 3 units (8 students)
Megan Meuti
ENTMLGY 1350 The Biology of Hope and Belief, 3 units (58 distance learning; 8 in-person students)
ENTMLGY 4999H Honors Research with Distinction, 1–5 units (3 students)
ENTMLGY 4999 Research with Distinction, 1–5 units (2 students)
ENTMLGY 8998 Research in Entomology, PhD Pre-Candidacy, 1–16 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 8999 Research in Entomology, PhD Post-Candidacy, 1–16 units (1 student)
Andy Michel
ENTMLGY 6502 Mentored Extension Entomology, 1–3 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (2 students)
Pete Piermarini
ENTMLGY 4607 Veterinary Entomology, online, 2 units (325 students)
ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (1 student)
Larry Phelan
ENTMLGY/EEOB 5490 Insect Behavior, 3 units (13 students)
Ben Philip
ENTMLGY 2400H Evaluating Evidence in Biology and Medicine, 3 units (3 students)
ENTMLGY 5604 Capstone Course: Problem-Based Studies in Plant Health, 2 units (2 students)
ENTMLGY 5608 Turfgrass Insect and Mite Pests: Identification, Biology, and Management, 2 units (7 students)
ENTMLGY 5609 Landscape Ornamental Plant Insect and Mite Pests: Identification, Biology and Management, 3 units (9 students)
Joe Raczkowski
ENTMLGY 3100 Insect Symbioses, 3 units (5 students)
ENTMLGY 4000 General Entomology, 3 units (64 students)
ENTMLGY 4191 Internship Experiences in Entomology, 1–2 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 4440H Honors Social Insects, 3 units (10 students)
ENTMLGY 4600 Introduction to Insect Science, 1 unit (first session: 181 students, second session: 95 students)
Sarah Short
ENTMLGY 5121 Insect Pathology, 3 units (6 students), co-taught with Ellen Klinger
ENTMLGY 8998 Research in Entomology, PhD Pre-Candidacy, 1–16 units (2 students)
ENTMLGY 8999 Research in Entomology, PhD Post-Candidacy, 1–16 units (1 student)
Jamie Strange
ENTMLGY 3797.01E Evolution in Darwin’s World and Ours: Context, 2 units (7 students), co-taught with Carol Anelli
Associated course ENTMLGY 3797.02 will travel to England in summer 2023
ENTMLGY 4999H Honors Research with Distinction, 1–5 units (1 student)
ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (2 students)
ENTMLGY 8998 Research in Entomology, PhD Pre-Candidacy, 1–16 units (2 students)
Kelley Tilmon
ENTMLGY 7920 Presentation Skills, 2 units (11 students), co-taught with Mary Gardiner
ENTMLGY 8000 Entomology Seminar, 1 unit (4 students)
Additional Offering for Entomology
ENTMLGY 5110 Ecology and Management of Insects and Pathogens Affecting Trees in Forest and Urban Environments, 3 units, with Bonello and Klooster (26 students)