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Department of Entomology



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Search results

  1. Measuring Standing Trees

    990 1,120 1,220 34 300 510 680 850 1,000 1,140 1,300 1,440 36 350 580 780 970 1,140 1,310 1,480 1,640 ... 280 320 360 400 20 90 170 240 300 350 400 450 500 22 110 210 290 360 430 490 560 610 24 130 250 350 ... 430 510 590 660 740 26 160 300 410 510 600 700 790 880 28 190 350 480 600 700 810 920 1,020 30 220 410 ...

  2. Wheat Management for Spring 2024

    begin scouting for foliar diseases. Feekes 6 Growth Stage. At Feekes 6 growth stage, the first node is ... visible above the soil surface and is commonly referred to as ‘jointing.’ Above this node is the head or ... leaves and leaf sheath to see or feel the first node (Figure 1). A video demonstrating for identifying ...

  3. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    sheaths. Nodes and internodes are hairless. Stems are green, changing to purple and brown late in the ... found at the lower nodes. Root systems are shallow and fibrous (Figure 3). This distinguishes stiltgrass ...

  4. Monitoring and Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops

    over 350 eggs in her lifetime. Adults typically live 20–30 days, but flies that emerge later in the ...

  5. Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)

    protruding white hairs that are noticeable at the node and base of the petiole. The stem is mostly green in ... to 15 feet and measure between 2 to 4 inches in diameter.   Figure 6. Prominent white hairs at node ...

  6. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13

    3.50% Pasture Cash Rent—Projected 2013—Improved, Non-Rotation $71 $32 $103 $38 Pasture Land ...

  7. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2013-14

    $2,136 $11,446 $7,175 2014 $8,936 $2,145 $11,081 $6,791 Rent per Acre 2013 $306 $44 $350 $262 2014 $297 ...

  8. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2017-18

    4.80% Pasture Land Value—Projected 2018—Improved, Non-Rotation $4,350 $1,711 $6,061 $2,639 Pasture Cash ...

  9. Rates

     850Mb $ 1,350.00 4M reads (micro) flow-cell v2, 300 bases,        1.2Gb $ 900.00 1M reads (nano) ... $ 3.50/reaction Covaris DNA shearing $ 7.50/sample Pippin size selection $ 30.00/sample Agilent 4200 TapeStation ...

  10. Wheat Growth Stages and Associated Management

    originates at the coleoptilar node. Tillers share the same root mass with the main stem (Figure 1). During ... 5 and 6. This is also a good stage to begin scouting for foliar diseases. Feekes 6.0: First Node Visible ... (Mid-Late April) Prior to Feekes 6.0, the nodes are all formed but sandwiched together so that they are not ...
