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Department of Entomology



Search results

  1. Cereal Leaf Beetle

    The cereal leaf beetle is a small, Chrysomelid beetle, which has been associated with wheat and other ... defoliation is a frosty appearance of the field. Figure 1. Adult cereal leaf beetle. Photo by H. Wilson. ... Figure 2. Cereal leaf beetle eggs. Photo by H. Wilson. During the 1960s and 1970s, parasitoids were ...

  2. Hops in Ohio: Pests

    aphid populations while preserving natural enemies of aphids and other hop pests. Japanese Beetle ... beetle. Feeding damage by Japanese beetle. Damage:  Hop leaves damaged by Japanese beetles are ... skeletonized, with only the veins left behind. Monitoring and Management:  Japanese beetles arrive at the very ...

  3. Lichens

    growing on the bark of a tree.  (Photo by David J. Goerig.) Where Do Lichens Grow? Lichens are located on ... Bark, wood, mosses, rock, soil and peat are all natural substrates. Thalli will also establish itself on ... normally found on tree bark, for instance, are rarely found on rock and vice versa. Lichens established on ...

  4. Growing Apples in the Home Orchard

    years rather than one year. Cut large limbs flush with the bark of a lower limb. Table 2: Pounds of ...

  5. Black Rot and Frogeye Leaf Spot of Apple

    develop in the bark. These areas slowly enlarge and darken to form cankers. Cankers may continue to expand ... bark; or the bark may be killed and conspicuously cracked, especially at the margins. In recently killed ... areas, the bark is firmly attached to the wood; but after a year or so, it cracks and falls away and can ...

  6. Bean Leaf Beetle on Soybean

    Entomology James B. Eisley, Department of Entomology The bean leaf beetle (BLB) is a small beetle that varies ... BLB generation. Figure 1. Bean leaf beetle adults The BLB larval stage feeds on the root system, and ... thought is that significant injury to roots by larval feeding does not occur. Bean leaf beetle passes ...

  7. Monitoring and Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops

    University. ...

  8. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Bush Honeysuckle

    surfaces (and sometimes the bark) with a spray bottle, paintbrush, roller, or wicking device. Whether to ...

  9. Identification of White Grubs in Turfgrass

    HYG-2510 Agriculture and Natural Resources 03/08/2012 David J. Shetlar and Jennifer Andon, ...

  10. Cane Blight of Raspberries

    develop in the brown cankered bark. In wet weather, large numbers of microscopic spores ooze out of the ... pycnidia. This ooze gives the bark a dark-gray, smudgy appearance. During winter, infected canes commonly ... invades and kills bark and other cane tissues. Fungal fruiting bodies are formed in older cankers and ...
