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Department of Entomology



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  1. Forgotten Wheat Pest Back in Ohio

    decades in Ohio may be making a comeback.   Cereal leaf beetle has been causing serious damage to some ... leaf beetle was a serious problem back in the 1960s and early 1970s, but through research, parasitoids ... Center. "But for the past two years, something has happened and suddenly either the beetle is doing ...

  2. OSU Expert: Warm Winter May Bring Early Insects, But Effect on Field Crops Depends More on Weather and Growers’ Planting Dates

    leaf beetle, which damages soybeans, the corn flea beetle, which targets corn, and the alfalfa weevil ... a greater potential for injury exists.”   However, corn flea beetles in particular, and their ability to ... Hammond said. In fact, more corn flea beetles are expected this year, significantly increasing the ...

  3. Keep in Mind Insect Pests When Planting Soybeans

    leaf beetle are problematic for soybean growers and can cause economic losses either from feeding or ... keep their eye on is the bean leaf beetle, a defoliator and pod feeder that is also a vector of bean ... beetle is emerging, which may be of a concern for those growers who have already planted their ...

  4. Exotic Elm Tree Pest Found for First Time in Ohio

    beetle-- until he inspected the damaged trees a bit more closely and discovered the true culprit. "I ... could find no adults or larvae at the defoliation site or on the ground, indicative of elm leaf beetle ... presence. I then took a closer look at the leaves and found a large number of small brown beetles that ...

  5. Secrest Arboretum to Celebrate National Pollinator Week June 22

    hummingbirds, certainly some bees, beetles, flies, even some wasps, Downer said. “Well look at different plants ... ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles, says the website of the ... Caption: Discover honey bees like this one plus flies, beetles, butterflies and hummingbirds when Secrest ...

  6. What are the best ways to burn (or not) a forest?

    Jack pines, which are common in parts of the northern Great Lakes, need fire to thrive. So does ... jack pine stands in a handful of locations in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ontario-- and nowhere else on ...

  7. 2012

      Katherine Gambone Quantifying Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) Shoot Tissue by ...

  8. OSU Extension Tax Management Factsheets Available

    Income Tax Management factsheets for producers and landowners who may need tax management tips. The ... agricultural questions, conservation programs and farm trucks, the last two of which are new factsheets for ... this year. Farm Income Tax Management: Conservation Programs factsheet describes the various ...

  9. Keep an Eye on Pest Pressures on Field Crops

    numbers appear low at the present time. • Cereal leaf beetle – The cereal leaf beetle has become more ... "The cereal leaf beetle will attack wheat in the flag leaf emergence stage long before the true ... to cut more of them," said Hammond. • Bean leaf beetle – Soybean growers could see a lot of ...

  10. 2017 Participants

    Mine-Land     David Barker Bethany Kyre Metabolic Responses of Austrian Pine to an Opportunistic Pathogen Under ...
