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Sour Rot Disorder of Grape
2019. Shetlar, David J. “Yellowjackets.” Ohioline. The Ohio State ... those that are killed. Commercial or homemade wasp traps (Shetlar, 2012) can be placed in the vineyard ... 2016. Ivey, Melanie L. “Grape Black Rot.” Ohioline. The Ohio ...
Hops in Ohio: Beneficial Arthropods
purchase lady beetles (specifically, Hippodamia convergens) for release, as they are collected while ... overwintering and will disperse away from the release site. Released lady beetles can also spread diseases to ... Beetles (Coccinellidae) In Ohio, many species of lady beetles contribute to biological control in hop ...
Hobby Maple Syrup Production
a large crown with very little damage to the branches. The bark will look healthy, with no dead wood ... removes any debris, such as twigs or pieces of leaves or bark, which might have fallen into the sap. ...
Peach Canker
bark. The diseased inner bark begins to break down, causing the cankered surface to appear depressed. ... Black specks, which are fungal spore producing bodies, appear on the bark surface or under the bark ... strands. During the summer, healthy bark (callus tissue) grows over the edges of the narrow, oval shaped ...
Elderberry Production in Ohio
and the crown. Hence, landscape fabric may not be a suitable material. Pine bark, wood chips, and ... be maintained until flowering and fruiting is complete. Insects and Diseases Japanese beetles have ... been observed as a major pest in our trial plots. Japanese beetles feed on the flowers and leaves of ...
Beech Bark Disease
Department of Plant Pathology Beech bark disease (BBD) is a devastating disease of American beech (Fagus ... grandifolia Ehrh.) caused by a combination of damage to the bark and vascular tissue by the beech scale insect ... infested trees, either sporadically—especially in rough bark or cracks on the bole—then in increasing ...
Ohio’s Natural Enemies: Long-Legged Flies
beetle larvae, and even termites! They will carry their prey around with them in flight as they secrete ... females typically lay their eggs in moist soils, or in some cases under the bark of trees. The larvae are ... predators, feeding on soil- or bark-dwelling invertebrates, and the pupae are also found in the soil (Figure ...
Late Leaf Rust of Red Raspberries
rust is white spruce (Picea americanum), on which another type of spore (aeciospore) is produced. ... leaf. Aeciospores are released from infected white spruce in mid-June to early July and are capable of ... (basidiospore), which infects white spruce needles during rainy periods from mid-May to early June. Several recent ...
Anthracnose of Raspberry and Blackberry
this disease are “cane spot” and “gray bark.” Symptoms Figure 1. Anthracnose symptoms on black ... encircle the cane, sometimes causing the death of the cane beyond the canker. The bark in badly cankered ... large portions of the cane. This is the characteristic “gray bark” symptom which is common on red ...
Ripe Rot of Grape References Shiraishi, M., Koide, M., Itamura, H., Yamada, M., Mitani, N., Ueno, T., Nakaune, R., ...