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Department of Entomology



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  1. OARDC Announces 2008 Grad Student Poster Winners

    "Insect-host Phenological Synchrony: Foliar Terpenes and Free Amino Acids in Relation to European Pine Sawfly ... Beetle"; Parwinder Grewal, advisor. Judged by a panel of OARDC scientists, the competition recognizes ...

  2. A Formula For Higher Pest Resistance in Ornamental Trees

    conducted by Herms and Ohio State plant pathologist Enrico Bonello on red pines reveals that fertilization ... stresses. In their experiments, fertilized red pines inoculated with S. sapinea showed larger cankers than ... non-fertilized trees that were also exposed to the pathogen. In addition, fertilized pines had higher nitrogen ...

  3. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Deer Me: Where to Sleep? (for the Week of Jan. 5, 2009)

    trees you might know include pines, firs, spruces and hemlocks.) A usual spot is next to a trunk under ...

  4. Asiatic Garden Beetle Causing Damage to Ohio Corn

    finding Asiatic garden beetle grubs that have caused some stand losses, said Ron Hammond, who also has an ... be much more damaging to crops than most other grubs, he said. “The Asiatic garden beetle is a new ... considered very aggressive in its feeding habits.” The Asiatic garden beetle was introduced to the U.S. in ...

  5. OSU Expert: Warm Winter Brings Severe Threat of Corn Flea Beetle and Increased Potential for Stewart’s Bacterial Wilt

    fields this spring for corn flea beetle as the near-record warm winter Ohio has experienced this year is ... Insects such as the corn flea beetle, which targets corn through the spread of the bacterium that causes ... Development Center. Adult beetles that overwinter become active in the spring when the soil temperature ...

  6. Near-record Warm Winter Increases Insect and Pest Threat for Crop Growers This Spring

    this spring for black cutworm, slugs, bean leaf beetles, rootworms and other invasive insects as the ... the corn flea beetle, which targets corn through the spread of the bacterium that causes ... Development Center. Black cutworms could also be a bigger problem this year, as could slugs, bean leaf beetles ...

  7. Cereal Leaf Beetle Outbreak on Ohio Wheat

    May 19, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – Economic populations of cereal leaf beetle are being found on Ohio ... cereal leaf beetle, both in the southern and central parts of the state, but there is also potential for ... causes widespread problems." The cereal leaf beetle is a wheat pest of bygone days—controlled ...

  8. Southern Ohio Corn at Risk for Stewart's Wilt

    Ohio's mild winter, higher populations of flea beetles (the insect that transmits the bacterium) may have ... beetle survives the winter in the soil and if you get a harsh winter, populations go down. But if you ... Extension appointment. Ohio State specialists use a "flea beetle index"-- the sum of the average ...

  9. Managing Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle Focus of OSU-Hosted Meetings

    makes the multicolored Asian lady beetle tick. If successful, the information could provide relief for ... thousands upon thousands of lady beetles in their homes every year, and they say it just gets worse year ... number of lady beetles just keeps growing exponentially. They aren't going to go away any time ...

  10. Stewart's Bacterial Leaf Blight Predicted Severe This Year

    possibility of high flea beetle populations this spring. The insect, a vector of the disease, overwinters and ... temperatures increase the chances of high flea beetle populations, thereby increasing the potential for ... better, there's a high probability that large numbers of overwintering beetles will survive and ...
