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Diplodia Tip Blight of Two-Needled Pines
diseases in the urban environment. It affects many common landscape pines in the Midwest, including ... pines. It also affects ponderosa (P. ponderosa) and Monterey (P. radiata) pines. The fungus commonly ... blight symptoms on Austrian pine. Symptoms and Signs This disease is characterized by the blight, or ...
Oak Wilt
However, there is some evidence that oak bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) may also be involved. ... oaks) of spore-bearing fungal mats under the desiccating bark (Figure 4). These fungal mats crack the ... bark open with pressure pads to facilitate dissemination of the pathogen (see below). Sapwood streaking ...
Carpet Beetles
HYG-2103 10/19/2011 David J. Shetlar, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Extension ... Carpet beetles feed on animal and plant substances such as wool, fur, feathers, hair, hides, horns, silk, ... often occurs under heavy furniture or pianos and at carpet edges. Adult beetles fly readily in May and ...
Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive
to the point of runoff. Basal bark treatments should only be applied when the areas to be treated are ... dry and not frozen. The basal bark treatments recommended in Table 2 should be applied during the ... bark) with a spray bottle, paintbrush, roller, or wicking device. Treatments made late in the growing ...
Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis Links Tick Spotters, TickEncounter— Tickborne Diseases in ... How to do a tick check, Tickencounter— ...
Bagworm and Its Control
HYG-2149 10/05/2011 David J. Shetlar, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Extension ... commonly observed form of this pest is the spindle-shaped silk bag camouflaged with bits of foliage, bark ... arborvitae and red cedar but many other conifers and deciduous trees are attacked. These include pine ...
Boxelder Bugs and Leaf-footed Bugs
Douglas-fir, hemlock, white spruce, and various species of pine, where they use their piercing-sucking ... HYG-2106 03/09/2010 David J. Shetlar, Department of Entomology, Ohio State University Extension ... Conifer-seed Bugs The western conifer-seed bug, also known as the western pine-seed bug, belongs to a small ...
Viburnum Leaf Beetle
Natural Resources, Van Wert County The viburnum leaf beetle (VLB) (Pyrrhalta viburni) [order Coleoptera: ... viburnum shrubs are usually completely defoliated by the beetle. Mated female viburnum leaf beetles chew ... pits into the bark of twigs and stems of the host shrubs into which eggs are laid. These pits create ...
Clover Mites
HYG-2095 03/09/2010 David Shetlar, Entomology, Ohio State University Extension Barbara Bloetscher, ... in mortar crevices, between building walls, under loose bark of trees, and in other protected places. ... logs, and under loose tree bark before becoming active again in the spring. Control Measures Prevention ...
Using the Tree Measuring Stick
(assumes that the tree diameter inside the bark at the top of the first log is 78 percent of the d.b.h.). ... of the log inside the bark (dib) at the small end utilizing the “inches” scale on the top of the “Log ... average diameter of 15 inches on the small end (inside bark), and a shortest length of 14’6” would have an ...