Key Citiations:
Alumai, A., M. Grunkemeyer, J. Kovach, D. Shetlar, J. Cardina, J. Rimelspach, S. Clayton and P. Grewal. 2009. Implementing integrated pest management in professional lawn care: A case study. Urban Ecosystems 13:37-49 DOI 10.10007/s11262-009-0102-2.Ioriatti, C., Am. M. Agnello, F. Martini, J. Kovach. 2011 Evaluation of the environmental impact of apple pest control strategies using pesticide risk indicators. Integrated Environ. Assessment and Management, 1-8, DOI 10.1002/ieam.185.
Karungi, J., P. Agamire, J. Kovach, and S. Kyamanywa. 2010. Cover cropping and novel pesticide usage in the management of pests of hot pepper. International J. Tropical Insect Sci. 30:84-92.
Chouinard, G., J. Kovach, S. Bellerose, D. Cormier, and f. Pelletier. 2007. Pesticide risk indicators and apple production systems in Northeastern North America: A case study. The Compact Fruit Tree. 40 (1): 15-19.
Lucas, E., G. Labrie, C. Vincent & J. Kovach. 2007. The Multicoloured Asian Ladybeetle Harmonia axyridis - beneficial or nuisance organism? pp. 38-52 in Vincent, C., M.Goettel & G. Lazarovits 2007 (eds.). Biological Control: A globalperspective. Case histories from around the world. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K., 440 p.
Bostanian, N. and J. Kovach. 2006. Strawberry Arthropods of the World, Ecology and Control. In the Encyclopedia of Pest Management, D. Pimental (ed.). Taylor & Francis, New York. www.
Kovach, J. 2004. Impact of the multicolored Asian lady beetle as a pest of fruit and people. American Entomologist 50:165-167.
Rhainds, M., J. Kovach, G. English-Loeb. 2002. Impact of strawberry cultivar and incidence of pests on yield and profitability of strawberries under conventional and organic management systems. Biol. Agricult. Horticult. 19: 333-353.
Kovach, J., R. Petzoldt, G. E. Harman. 2000. Use of honey bees and bumble bees to disseminate Trichoderma harzianum 1295-22 to strawberries for Botrytis Control. Biol. Control 18: 235-242.
Kovach, J., C. Petzoldt, J. Degni and J. Tette. 1992. A method to measure the environmental impact of pesticides. New York's Food and Life Sciences Bulletin. NYS Agricul. Exp. Sta. Cornell University, Geneva, NY