Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Acebes-Doria, Angelita L.; Arthur M. Agnello, Diane G. Alston, Heather Andrews, Elizabeth H. Beers, J. Christopher Bergh, Ric Bessin, Brett R. Blaauw, G. David Buntin, Eric C. Burkness, Shi Chen, Ted E. Cottrell, Kent M. Daane, Lauren Fann, Shelby J. Fleischer, Christelle Guédot, Larry J. Gut, George C. Hamilton, Richard Hilton, Kim A. Hoelmer, William D. Hutchison, Peter Jentsch, Greg Krawczyk, Thomas P. Kuhar, Jana C. Lee, Joshua M. Milnes, Anne L. Nielsen, Dilani K. Patel, Brent D. Short, Ashfaq A. Sial, Lori R. Spears, Kathy Tatman, Michael D. Toews, James D. Walgenbach, Celeste Welty, Nik G. Wiman, Janet van Zoeren, and Tracy C. Leskey. September 2019. Season-long Monitoring of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Throughout the United States using Commercially Available Traps and Lures. Journal of Economic Entomology 113(1): 159-171.
- Mabin, Molly Dieterich; Celeste Welty; Mary M. Gardiner. 2020. Predator richness predicts pest suppression within organic and conventional summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L. Cucurbitales: Cucurbitaceae). 2020. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 287 (2020) 106689. Accepted 9/15/2019.
- Alford, Adam; Thomas P. Kuhar, George C. Hamilton, Peter Jentsch, Grzgorz Krawczyk, James F. Walgenbach, Celeste Welty. 2020. Baseline Toxicity of the Insecticides Bifenthrin and Thiamethoxam on Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Collected From the Eastern United States. Journal of Economic Entomology 113(2): 1043-1046.
- Dively, G. P.; T. P. Kuhar, S. Taylor, H. B. Doughty, K. Holmstrom, D. Gilrein, B. A. Nault, J. Ingerson-Mahar, J. Whalen, D. Reisig, Daniel L. Frank, S. J. Fleischer, David Owens, C. Welty, F. P. F. Reay-Jones, P. Porter, J. L. Smith, J. Saguez, S. Murray, A. Wallingford, H. Byker, B. Jensen, E. Burkness, W. D. Hutchison, and K. A. Hamby. 2020. Sweet Corn Sentinel Monitoring for Lepidopteran Field-Evolved Resistance to Bt Toxins. Journal of Economic Entomology, XX(XX), 2020, 1–13.
- Kibbe, Esther and Celeste Welty. 2020. Comparison of a Novel Insect Deterrent Material to Organic and Conventional Insecticide Programs for Management of Spotted-Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) in Blueberries. Fruit Quarterly 28(4): 32-35.
Recent Extension Publications
1a (current). Beckerman, J., Bessin, R., Strang, J., Welty, C., Rodriguez-Salamanca, L., Athey, K., Meyer, S., Long, E., Heller-Haas, M., Lewis-Ivey, M., Lewis, D., Guedot, C., Wahle, E., Tucker, T., Wright, S.,Becker, D., Hannan, J., Smigell, C., Onofre, R., Joshi, N., Bordelon, B., Babadoost, M., Patel, J., Holland, L., Klodd, A., Gauthier, N.W., 2021. Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide 2021-2022. Available online at:
1b (former). Welty, C.; D. Miller; D. Doohan, D. 2015. Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide. Ohio State Univ. Extension Bull. 506A2. 72 pp. Published at Purdue Univ. (revised annually; Welty an author 1990-2015; replaced by #1a above)
1c (former). Dami, I.; G. Gao; B. Bergefurd, D. Doohan; C. Welty. 2015. Midwest Commercial Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide. Ohio State Univ. Extension Bull. 506B2. 89 pp. Published at Purdue Univ. (revised annually; Welty an author 1990-2015; replaced by #1a above)
2a (current). Egel, Dan; Elizabeth Maynard, Stephen Meyers, Mohammad Babadoost, Donald Lewis, Ajay Nair, Cary Rivard, Megan Kennelly, Mary Hausbeck, Ben Phillips, Zsofia Szendrei, Bill Hutchison, Touria Eaton, Celeste Welty, Sally Miller. 2020. Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2020. Ohio State Univ. Extension Bull. 948. 268 pp.
2b (former). Precheur, R. J.; C. Welty; D. Doohan; S. Miller. 2012. Ohio Vegetable Production Guide. Ohio State Univ. Extension Bull. 672. 296 pp. (revised annually; Welty an author 1990-2012; replaced by #2a above)