Profile TabsProfileCarrie ElveyCommunity Outreach Specialist, United Titanium Bug ZooElvey.2@osu.edu 200 Wooster Science Building1680 Madison Ave, Wooster OH 44691Professional InformationDegrees & Credentials: Bachelor Degree, Hiram College, BiologySecondary Education Teaching Certificate, Hiram CollegeBiography: Carrie grew up in Holmes County coming home with her pockets full of snakes and bugs, playing in the creek, and exploring the woods. She never outgrew this. Today she is most passionate about reconnecting adults to the amazing natural history stories happening in their own backyards. In her capacity with the United Titanium Bug Zoo, Carrie is looking forward to incorporating the knowledge and research findings of the CFAES staff, students, and faculty into outreach programming to help tell those stories. Prior to the bug zoo, Carrie spent 22 years as the senior naturalist at The Wilderness Center. In her non-CFAES time, Carrie enjoys creating in the pottery studio and blacksmith forge and working on her log cabin home. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData