Profile TabsProfileCarly TolleResearch Associate, Meuti & Gardiner Labstolle.52@osu.eduOffice: Kottman Hall2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus OH 43210Professional InformationDegrees & Credentials: MSc from Bowling Green State University in 2021 (thesis: how dredge-amended soils impact decomposition and insect communities)BSc from Valparaiso University in 2015Biography: While I have a strong background in entomology, my overall interest as a scientist lies in creating more sustainable and diverse habitats, especially in settings where anthropogenic activities have a high impact - like urban areas or agriculture. I've held a number of technician and internship positions, mainly in field ecology, and am now working with the Gardiner and Meuti labs on a project looking to find effective mosquito control methods that are more pollinator-friendly than current practices. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData