I am an ecological physiologist that is interested in how organisms deal with extreme environmental conditions. More specifically, I am interested in how insects deal with low temperature and the mechanisms underlying freeze tolerance. This remarkable ability requires a suite of physiological adaptations to protect cells against freezing-induced damage, however much remains unknown about the mechanisms underlying this strategy of overwintering. To better understand these remarkable adaptations, I have spent nearly two months at Palmer Station in Antarctica studying the largest land animal on the continent- the wingless midge, Belgica antarctica.
I strive to enable every student to think like a scientist, whether that be as an informed citizen with a foundational understanding of biology or a future researcher who will devote their life to scientific discovery. Recently taught courses:
ENTMLGY 1111: Biology of Insects, Animals, and Fungi-Affecting Buildings; 4 units
ENTMLGY 2101 Insects and Human Affairs: Pests, Plagues, Poisons and Politics; 3 units
ENTMLGY 5608 Turfgrass Insect and Mite Pests - ID, Biology & Management; 2 units
ENTMLGY 5609 Landscape Ornamental Plant Insect & Mite Pests - ID, Biology & Management; 3 units
I am part of The Ohio State University Extension IPM Program, where I focus on outreach related to identification and proper management of beg bugs in residential and commercial structures throughout the state. Questions related to bed bugs can be directed to bedbugs@osu.edu.
Recent Professional Publications
Potts, L.J., J. D. Gantz, Y. Kawarasaki, B.N. Philip, D.J. Gonthier, A.D. Law, L. Moe, J.M. Unrine, R.L. McCulley, R.E. Lee Jr, D.L. Denlinger and N.M. Teets. 2020. Environmental Factors Influencing Fine-Scale Distribution of Antarctica’s Only Endemic Insect. Oecologia 194 (4): 529–39.
B.N. Philip. 2020. Bed Bugs [Fact Sheet HYG-2105]. The Ohio State University. https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/hyg-2105
Teets, N.M., Y. Kawarasaki, L.J. Potts, B.N. Philip, J.D. Gantz, D.L. Denlinger, R.E. Lee Jr. 2019. Rapid cold hardening protects against sublethal freezing injury in an Antarctic insect. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222:206011.
Kawarasaki, Y., N.M. Teets, B.N. Philip, L.J. Potts, J.D. Gantz, D.L. Denlinger, R.E. Lee Jr. 2019. Characterization of the drought-induced rapid cold-hardening response in the Antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica. Polar Biology. 42:1147-1156.