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Department of Entomology


Chrysalis Undergraduate Entomology Student Association

Chrysalis Photo Contest Buttons

Contributed by Camden Dezse, Chrysalis President 2021-2022

In August, members of Chrysalis joined the Department of Entomology for their "Back to School BBQ," where students were allowed to interact with peers and department faculty and staff. For some, it was the first time meeting other members of Chrysalis in person due to the pandemic! Some members of Chrysalis also joined the General Entomology Class on a trip to Chadwick Lake to collect insect specimens and learn about various collection techniques and tools. 

Throughout the month of September, members of Chrysalis participated in Chrysalis' first ever photography contest! Members submitted photos of an incredible diversity of arthropods that they found on the university's campus and elsewhere. Winners were chosen at the end of the month and received collectible buttons. On Sept. 9, Chrysalis joined Associate Professor of Entomology and honey bee expert, Reed Johnson, at the Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Research Lab to learn about bees and beekeeping through hands-on experience. Chrysalis was given a tour by Jeni Ruisch on Nov. 15 of the insect and arthropod collection at the Biological Sciences Greenhouse. For some members, it was their first time ever handling insects and arthropods! 

Chrysalis plans on holding a variety of events this spring, including a trip to the Franklin Park Conservatory for their annual Blooms and Butterflies event, as well as cooking and eating insect products for an entomophagy night!  

To join Chrysalis, contact Entomology Undergraduate Advisor, Joe

Associate Professor Reed Johnson with Chrysalis at the Honey Bee Lab on Waterman Farm