Faculty Honors and Awards
Honors - faculty
Casey Hoy: 2021 Fellow of the Entomological Society of America
Luis Cañas: 2021 CFAES Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award, CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Jim Jasinski, CFAES Integrated Pest Management Team Lead: 2021 OSU Distinguished Multi-disciplinary Team Extension Award, OSU Extension
Grant AwardS - faculty
Norman Johnson, Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, “CSBR: An inordinate fondness for beetles—expanding access to the Triplehorn collection of Coleoptera, phase 2,” 2021–24, $484,967.
Megan Meuti, Entomology, and Laura Pomeroy, Environmental Health Sciences. CFAES Internal Grants Program, New Researcher Incentive, "Determining the relative contributions of mosquito biting behavior and seasonal responses in West Nile virus transmission." $49,823.
Ryan Winston, FABE, and Sarah Short, Entomology. CFAES Internal Grants Program, New Researcher Incentive, "Protecting Public Health through Vector Control and Stormwater Treatment: Locating Vulnerabilities in Stormwater Infrastructure that Support Mosquito Reproduction", $49,981.
Guilherme Signorini, HCS, Luis Canas, Entomology, Alex Lindsey, HCS, and Amanda Bowling, ACEL. CFAES Internal Grants Program, New Researcher Incentive, "Specialty Crop Growers Attitudes and Motivations Towards Biopesticides", $49,996.
Staff Honors and Awards
OSU Extension Awards
Denise Ellsworth, Pollinator Education Program Director: Distinguished Extension Professional Award
Amy Raudenbush, Research Associate 2, Tilmon Lab Manager: Distinguished Early Career Extension Professional Award
CFAES Staff Advisory Council Awards
Jeni Filbrun, UTBZ Program Manager: Innovation Award for developing and/or participating in project initiatives and/or process operations improvements that enhance CFAES, Extension, ATI, or OARDC and its mission.
Nuris Acosta, Research Assistant 2, Canas and Michel Labs: Special Recognition Award for going above and beyond job duties, special commitment to tasks, positive customer service, and improving workplace communications.
2021 Outreach and Engagement Professional Development Grant
Suranga Basnagala, Research Associate 1, CFAES, Entomology, Tilmon Lab, Wooster: Ohio State Outreach and Engagement Professional Development Grant provides staff working in outreach and engagement the opportunity to further their career growth and development.
Graduate Student Honors and Awards
DeLong and Root graduate student Competition
The Dwight DeLong Competition provides support for students to attend professional meetings in entomology and other student-oriented departmental purposes to promote excellence in teaching and research. Established in 1985 by family, friends, colleagues and former students of Dwight DeLong, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Entomology.
Dylan Ricke, Advisor: R. Johnson and Caralee Shepard, Advisor: Gardiner—DeLong Talk Award
Johanna Schwartz, Advisor: N. Johnson—DeLong Poster Award
The Jack and Helen Root Agricultural and Urban Entomology Award provides support to graduate students studying agricultural or urban entomology to attend professional meetings. The Entomology Travel Endowment Fund was established in 2003 by Jack and Helen Root.
Valerie Anderson, Advisor: Cañas—Root Award, Agricultural Research
Michelle Pham, Advisor: Gardiner—Root Award, Urban Research
Entomological Society of America Annual student Research Competition
ESA Graduate Poster Competition
Dylan Ricke, Advisor: R. Johnson—1st Place, Plant-Insect Ecosystems: Pollinators And Pollination
ESA Graduate 10-Minute Paper Presentations
Dominique Magistrado, Advisor: Short—1st Place, Medical, Urban, and Veterinary Entomology: Mosquitos
Hannah McKenzie, Advisor: R. Johnson—1st Place, Plant-Insect Ecosystems: Pollinators
Adrian Pekarcik, Advisor: Tilmon—2nd Place, Plant-Insect Ecosystems: Conservation and Invasive Species
Sarah Scott, Advisor: Gardiner—1st Place, Plant-Insect Ecosystems: Behavior
ESA Undergraduate 10-Minute Paper Presentations
Valerie Anderson, Advisor: Cañas—1st Place, Plant-Insect Ecosystems
Grant Awards - Graduate Student
Lydia Fyie, Shepard, C., Pham, M., DeGrand, J., Gardiner, M., and Meuti, M.E. OSU Sustainability Institute “Using The Ohio State University Campus to Determine Impact of Urban Heat Islands on Mosquito Seasonality.” $4,524.
Harper McMinn-Sauder. CFAES Internal Grants Program. "Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land as a nectar resource supporting honey bees in the Ohio agroecosystem." $5,000.
James Radl. CFAES Internal Grants Program. "Microbiome Specificity between Endemic and Widespread Aedes Mosquitoes." $5,000.
Alden Siperstein. CFAES Internal Grants Program. "Characterizing seasonal changes in mosquito abundance." $5,000.
Undergraduate Student Honors
Undergraduate Entomology Scholarship Recipients, 2021–22
Austin Gruber: Loren F. Steiner Entomology Memorial Fund
Miabella Centuori: Osborn Scholarship Fund
Michaela Liptak: Harry S. Mesloh Scholarship
Lucas Sarko: Ralph Davidson Scholarship
Anthony Kanel: Ohio Pest Management Association Scholarship