Entomology’s outreach plans creatively evolved to accommodate the COVID-19 cancellation of all OSU in-person activities on March 16. Our outreach team, Denise Ellsworth, Jeni Ruisch, and Jeni Filbrun implemented successful dynamic and interactive online programs, while maintaining their high level of continuous care for our Columbus and Wooster Bug Zoos.
Ellsworth and Ruisch each swiftly modified in-person conferences, workshops, classroom visits, camp curriculums, on-going pollinator program activities, small-group sessions – everything- to provide online content delivery. Entomology’s interactive engagement within our communities continue and thrive, as evidenced by the impressive number of attendees in these online programs.
Adapting to COVID-19 restrictions, Ellsworth and Entomology alumni, MaLisa Spring, coordinated and implemented The Ohio Bee Survey, a new community science project to create a detailed inventory of Ohio’s wild bees.
Meanwhile, Filbrun is consumed with the creation, design, permitting and move logistics for our new Bug Zoo in Wooster, as well as the continuous care of BugZooWoo’s large and diverse collection of live arthropods.
As for the Columbus BugZoo – Ruisch has it under constant supervision in her dining room, all 40 species!
Detailed updates and summaries of the incredible activities listed below are available on our Outreach page:
Ellsworth: Pollinator Education
- Ohio Pollinators On-Line Course
- ZoomBees Pollinator webinars
- The Ohio Bee Survey
- A Bug’s World re-cap
Filbrun: Wooster Bug Zoo transformation
Ruisch: Columbus BugZoo & Outreach
- BugZoo's temporary new home
- Outreach by Zoom