CFAES Give Today

Department of Entomology


Student Awards

Entomology Graduate Students are recognized for outstanding Research, Teaching, Extension/Outreach, and Service

Contact Reed Johnson, current Graduate Studies Chair, for more information on these awards.

Past Departmental Award Winners

entomology graduate student Awards - Nominations due in Spring

Susan W. Fisher Teaching Award
This award is given for excellence in teaching.  Current students may apply for this award and/or be nominated by members of the faculty or student colleagues.  A one page nomination summary, CV, and up to 2 letters of recommendation should provide documentation of excellence in classroom teaching. Send the application as one PDF document to the current awards committee chair.

David J. Horn Service Award
This award is given in recognition of outstanding service to the department, college, university, or beyond (e.g., national societies or government agencies).  Current students may apply for this award and/or be nominated by other members of the department.  A nomination summary, CV and up to 2 letters of recommendation should be submitted indicating service for which the student is to be recognized. Send the application as one PDF document to current awards committee chair.

Lowell R. (“Skip”) Nault Research Award
This award is given for the best graduate student paper published or in press during the last 12 months.  The graduate student must be the senior author of the paper, and the paper must be based on research completed at Ohio State.  Eligible applicants must either be current students or have graduated within the previous calendar year.  Advisors are invited to submit papers from the students who have already graduated.   If the paper has not yet been published, please provide verification that the paper is "in press".  The award will be given only if the best paper is considered to be excellent. Send a PDF including a copy of the paper and a nomination letter detailing its significance to the current awards committee chair.

James E. Tew Extension Award
This award is given in recognition of outstanding extension/outreach contributions.  Current students may apply for this award and/or be nominated by other members of the department.  A nomination summary, 2 letters of recommendation, CV and a copy of relative extension publications should be sent as one PDF by your advisor to current awards committee chair. 

Presentation and Poster Competitions

The annual Entomology departmental "DeLong" Competition is an opportunity for students to deliver research presentations and receive feedback from faculty judges. Students can prepare an oral presentation or a poster. Winners are granted monetary awards by the gift funds listed below to attend a research conference.

NOTE: The travel award funds must be spent within a calendar year of award; some funds must be spent earlier, students should verify with office staff the timeline for spending their award.

Dwight DeLong Award for Best Oral Presentation & Best Poster: Established March 1, 1985, by family, friends, colleagues and former students of Dr. DeLong, Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

Jack & Helen Root Award for Best Research Presentation in Agricultural & Urban Entomology: Jack and Helen Root established the Entomology Travel Endowment Fund on July 11, 2003.

Jones Award for Best Oral Presentation & Best Poster in Urban Entomology: Established November 7, 2008 with gifts from Susan C. Jones, friends, family, students and members of the pest control industry; used to support students, staff, and faculty involved in OSU Extension and research pertaining to household and structural insect pests.

Rothenbuhler Award for Best Presentation in Bee Research: Established December 5, 1986, by alumni, faculty, family and friends, on the occasion of Dr. Rothenbuhler's retirement. Income aids students engaged in honeybee research, regardless of department affiliation, to attend scientific meetings.

Presentation Rubric
Poster Rubric

External AwardsESA Student Debate Trophy & Plaque

Entomological Society of America (ESA) Awards
ESA Awards, Honors, & Scholarships Information