The Department of Entomology has graduate programs at both the M.S. and Doctoral levels.
In addition to the terminal Ph.D. degree, the entry level degree is the M.S., with a thesis (Plan A) or a non-thesis (Plan B). Plan B is offered in Integrated Pest Management and other specialized areas of study designed to meet the student's professional objectives.
Contact our graduate studies chair, Reed Johnson, or coordinator, Sarah DeVilbiss, for more information about any aspect of the entomology graduate program.
We also offer the Master in Plant Health Management program. The aim of this program is to provide hands-on training that includes both technical and professional aspects of plant health management, as the need for qualified individuals in the field increases. Neither the Plan B M.S. nor the Master in Plant Health Management is considered adequate preparation for a Ph.D.
The Ohio State Entomology graduate faculty are based on the Columbus campus and CFAES Wooster campus. Faculty in other departments may serve as advisors, subject to the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee.
Our Graduate Faculty offer training and experience in the following fields of specialization: Acarology, Aquatic Entomology, Apiculture, Biological Control, Chemical Ecology, Economic Entomology, Environmental Toxicology, Insect Behavior, Insect Biochemistry, Insect Ecology, Insect Genetics, Insect Morphology, Insect Pest Management, Insect Physiology, Insect Toxicology, Insect Virology, Insect Vectors, Insect-plant Interactions, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Molecular Biology, Soil Ecology, Urban Entomology, and Systematic Entomology.
Department of Entomology Graduate Program Handbook