Entomology Student Interest Form
Why Entomology?
Insect species outnumber all other life forms combined. Human health, local and global economies, and sustainable food and water supplies all depend on state-of-the-art knowledge about insects, their integral roles in ecosystems, and their effective management.
Every year research-based strategies for control of insect-borne diseases save millions of lives. Pollination by honey bees and other insects ensures the availability of fruits and vegetables in our diets. Insect communities are important indicators of environmental quality and their study advances ecosystem restoration and management.
While most species are beneficial, insect pests account for more deaths than all wars combined, destroy food and fiber, and damage homes and other structures. Entomologists, biomedical researchers, environmental scientists, and evolutionary biologists study insects to understand the biological world, improve the human condition, and protect the environment.
What Makes Us Special?
Our Department
The OSU Entomology Department is one of the best in the nation. We offer academic programs at the Undergraduate (major and minor) and Graduate levels (M.S. and Ph.D).
Potential Entomology Student Interest Form
Students come from around the nation and world to study at our Columbus and Wooster campuses. We are the only university in Ohio to offer an undergraduate major in entomology, providing a strong background in the biological sciences with in-depth study of insect biology and applied entomology. Students learn insect physiology, behavior, ecology, taxonomy and systematics, toxicology, as well as beekeeping, veterinary and public health entomology, sustainable agriculture, and integrated pest management in agricultural, forest, and urban environments.
Our Faculty
Faculty in the Department of Entomology engage in both basic and applied research. We use insects as model systems to further fundamental understanding of molecular biology, physiology, genetics, ecology and evolution. Department faculty contribute to outreach and engagement activitites both within and external to the university. Extension programs in the department provide information to agricultural and industry groups and the general public in Ohio, the U.S. and throughout the world.
Stone Lab
Entomology students can take field courses at The Ohio State University’s “Island Campus,” Stone Laboratory. Located on Gibraltar Island in Lake Erie’s Put-in-Bay Harbor, this freshwater biological field station and research laboratory offers courses suitable for high school students who want to explore the college experience, as well as undergraduates who desire a one-or five-week field course in a unique educational environment.
Museum of Biological Diversity
Students also have opportunities to gain hands-on entomological experience in OSU’s Museum of Biological Diversity, home to the C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, which is ranked among the top university collections in North America.
Contact Us, Visit Us
We offer majors and minors at both the undergraduate and graduate level. We welcome the opportunity to meet with potential students: visit our classrooms, labs and field studies to discover what makes our department unique. Arrange a visit by contacting us at 614-292-8209 or entomology@osu.edu.
Entomology virtual tour (YouTube video)