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Department of Entomology


Tips from the Experts: Finding and Controlling Bedbugs

Photo of bed bug sitting on the hand of Dr. Dave Shetlar. Photo credit D. Shetlar

Dr. Susan Jones is one of the leading experts on bedbugs, and her work with student researchers ensures the continuation and dissemination of her expertise. She and her team have put together some videos to show the public some tried and true methods for bed bug control.

Bed Bug Basic Tools and Tips for Home Inspection

In this video, Alden Siperstein (Research Assistant, OSU Dept. of Entomology) shows live bed bug nymphs and adults and their tell-tale signs. He discusses the main tools and procedures necessary to inspect for bed bugs on furniture. He also explains bed bug behaviors, such as their tendency to group together in cracks and crevices in undisturbed sites, especially on the underside of items.


How to Modify a Vacuum to Remove Bed Bugs

In this video, Dr. Susan Jones (Professor, OSU Dept. of Entomology) shows how to modify a portable vacuum cleaner to safely suck up and remove bed bugs from furniture or other areas of a room. She demonstrates how to use a nylon stocking inserted into a vacuum extension wand to create a disposable bag for collecting and confining bed bugs. Dr. Jones also illustrates how to vacuum effectively to remove bugs from furniture, and how to examine the stocking for captured bugs. Proper disposal of any live bed bugs caught in the stocking also is shown.

These bed bug videos were funded by USDA NIFA grant 20177000627174 to the Ohio State University Extension IPM Program.