Greenhouse Plant Health and Pest Management
Overview of the principles of plant health and pest management applied to the production of plants and other commodities in controlled environments, including greenhouses, urban vertical agriculture, high tunnels, hydroponic systems, and interiorscapes. Prereq: Sr standing or above.
General Insect Pest Management
Exploration of insect pests that affect crops, landscapes, public health, and domestic animals, and the biological, cultural, and chemical tactics used to manage them. Prereq: 1101, 1111, 3000, 4000, or 4600.
Plant Health Management Seminar
Mentored Extension Experience in Entomology
Mentored Teaching in Entomology
Entomological Techniques and Data Analysis
Students will be introduced to the design and analysis of simple experiments and studies frequently used in Entomology. This hands-on course will cover analysis of data generated from commonly-used entomological techniques and observational approaches. Throughout, students will use and analyze data using statistical and version control software programs commonly used in the scientific community.
Exploring Entomology
Basic understanding of the global trends within entomology, the diversity of career opportunities within the industry, planning for a career and opportunities for professional development.
Capstone Course: Problem-Based Studies in Plant Health
Students will be presented with a current plant health problem from the industry. They will gather diverse information from consultants, synthesize novel solutions, and develop implementation plans. Prereq: Jr, Sr, or Grad standing in Entmlgy, PlntPth, or Plant Hlth Mgmt. Not open to students with credit for PlntPth 5604. Cross-listed in PlntPth.
Insect Biology
Acquaints people with the incredible biological diversity represented by the largest group of living animals, the insects. Insects will be used to illustrate important biological principles and functions as well as the scientific process. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 1111, 3000, 4000, or 4600. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course.