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Department of Entomology


Chrysalis Undergraduate Student Association

Contributed by Matthew Semler, Chrysalis President

On Aug. 28 and Sept. 11, Chrysalis members joined the Entomology 4001 class for collecting trips. The trips allowed members to gain first-hand experience on collecting methods, and to socialize within the club population. On Sept. 16 and 17, another collecting trip was held at Deep Woods. The trip was much longer than our day time trips, allowing members to collect for a much greater amount of time, collect with light traps, and camp together. trip

On Sept. 24, the club joined EGSA for a tailgate event before the Ohio State football game. This allowed members to mingle with faculty as well as graduate level students on a social level. On Thursday, Sept. 27, Chrysalis hosted Carol Anelli, PhD, to present to the club about our 3797 Study Abroad Class Evolution in Darwin’s World and Ours – England to be offered this spring. That presentation can be accessed via YouTube at On Thursday Oct. 20, the club held an in-person bug jeopardy event to help increase the social interaction between members. Towards the end of the semester, the club plans to go to the Triplehorn Insect Collection as well as the Insectary, both of which are on the Columbus campus.  

To join Chrysalis, contact Joe, entomology undergraduate advisor.trip