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Department of Entomology


Department News

  1. A New Way to Fight Zika, Other Mosquito Diseases

    Jul 11, 2016

    Peter Piermarini believes there’s a new, biological way to combat the mosquitoes that transmit Zika, dengue, malaria and other dreaded diseases: Make them unable to pee. It’s no potty joke.

  2. report cicadas

    Report Cicada sightings!

    May 18, 2016

    Help Marshall University collect data on cicada activity by visiting this webpage.

  3. Entomology Graduate Student Selected as a Fellow for AIARD’s Future Leaders Forum

    May 16, 2016

    Diego Orellana Vintimilla, a M.S. student in the Department of Entomology, was recently named a fellow to the Future Leaders Forum – a competitive program managed by the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development(AIARD) aimed at fostering student interest in international agriculture and rural development issues and their solutions.

  4. 4-H honey bee challenge

    Bees Create a Buzz with Annual 4-H Challenge

    May 4, 2016

    COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Honeybees don’t just buzz. They dance.

    And thousands of students in Ohio and seven other states will learn why that’s a vital aspect of honeybee pollination as they participate in this year’s 4-H Ag Innovators Experience, the Honey Bee Challenge.

    The challenge was developed by specialists with Ohio State University Extension.

    It’s the third consecutive year that OSU Extension has developed the challenge used for the annual innovators experience, sponsored by the National 4-H Council and Monsanto Company.

    “There’s a lot of interest and concern about honeybees,” said Beth Hecht, grant manager for the National 4-H Council. “This topic seemed like a natural for our annual challenge.”

  5. Protecting and Enhancing Pollinators in Urban Landscapes: New Multi-state Bulletin

    Apr 12, 2016

    This 30 page full-color bulletin includes plant lists for bees and butterflies (including annuals, herbaceous perennials, shrubs and trees) and details steps to create and maintain pollinator habitat. Pollinator-friendly pest management strategies are outlined. A season-long plant sequence is included.

  6. Zika Virus: Overview and Outlook

    Mar 18, 2016

    Zika Virus

    Compiled by Dr. Pete Piermarini, Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University

    Visit the OSU Zika website for recent updates.


  7. Concerns Over Chagas Disease and Kissing Bugs in Ohio Unwarranted

    Dec 11, 2015

    The risk of contracting this disease in Ohio is extremely low. Chagas disease is a chronic illness caused by a protozoan parasite (Trypanosoma cruzi) that is similar to the one that causes African sleeping sickness.  In brief, when an infected kissing bug feeds on a human host, the parasite can be transmitted to humans.  Chagas disease is an important illness throughout Central and South America. Read 12/22/15 story here.

  8. DNA and a Supercomputer Partner to Sustain Honey Bees: New Research from Ohio State

    Nov 13, 2015

    To uncover what plants honey bees rely on, researchers are using the latest DNA sequencing technology and a supercomputer. They spent months collecting pollen from beehives and have developed a multi-locus metabarcoding approach to identify which plants, and what proportions of each, are present in pollen samples.

    A single colony can collect pollen from dozens of different plant species, and this pollen is useful evidence of the colony’s foraging behavior and nutrition preferences. Full Story Here

  9. Yvan Delgado de la Flor featured in Qué Pasa, OSU?

    Oct 28, 2015

    Graduate research fellow Yvan Delgado de la Flor’s research was featured in the Spring 2015 issue of Qué Pasa, OSU?  This magazine highlights the contributions of the Latino community here at OSU. This particular issue is focused on individuals working in science fields.

  10. Ohio Valley Entomological Association

    Oct 28, 2015

    Six graduate students from the Entomology Department traveled to Lexington KY in October to attend the Ohio Valley Entomological Association’s Annual Forum. Molly Dieterich, MaLisa Spring, Doug Sponsler, Chris Riley, Katie Todd, and Yvan Delgado de la Flor all presented as part of the student paper competition. Two OSU students won awards at the event: Katie Todd won first place and MaLisa Spring received second place in the MS student competition.

    Chris Riley was elected President-Elect of OVEA. He will organize the 2017 meeting in Ohio. The 2016 conference will be hosted by Purdue University.

